- apricot, atomic tangerine
- …
It’s my homage to two things I love:
I learned baseball and the genre called sci-fi from my beautiful genius…
While I was musing on a name, one night I had a dream. My dreams have been known to speak to me. This one told me to look at foreign dictionaries.
When I lived in Santa Monica, CA – I almost surrendered my creativity. Again.
It was fortunate for me at the time…
Crafting crayons by dripping wax is my Zen Meditation.
I lose track of time. I solve the niggling and not so…
When I was a girl and created art, my mother made me walk it out to the trash because she viewed it as “dirty.” It wasn’t that I was creating pornography at a single-digit age; it was my mother’s demons, and my mother’s jealousies. Thus – it didn’t take too many walks to the curb to realize that my creativity was in…